Saturday, June 28, 2008

goodbye my naked lady

I showed my friend Anne all my crosstitched and she like the most the naked lady she said its nice to put it in the bedroom. She is been so good to me. She is the one who taught me how to chat, and everything. She became my close friend because sometimes we get along She did many things for me, and since its her birthday last 21st of June, I want to give her this naked lady since she like it but I didnt tell her yet in fact she will know about it when she read this blog...oi trealing pa...hehehe. Even if I like this thing but I have to give this to her our friendship is more important to me. I know she will be happy with this.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hubby's good and bad news to me

This morning when I was still in bed my husband sent me a message saying that he have good and bad news. So, I got up right away and turned my computer on and asked him about it. And He told me that his laptop, passport, bank deals, identification and other important documents were stolen. He said that he was gone just couple hours and when he came back home to cook breakfast he noticed that the suit case where He put those important things where missing. So he checked more around his house if there is more missing things and he found out that his medicine cabinet were open. So, he called a cop and informed all pawned shops about it.
He told me that this is the first time happen to his life. The thieves cut the screen of his glass window thats how they got in.
And the good news is the lawyer called him and told him that they want me to fax them the front page of my passport and a passport photo. So, he asked the lawyer if its getting sooner and he said yes very soon so he told him that his passport were stolen and he want to be with me in Manila for my interview and fly to USA. And the lawyer told him that he have enough time to get a new passport.
So, he is happy after all. He is a happy guy anyway but still sad to think about what happen. He is predicting that a drug addict is the one who did it to him and knows him very well.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

sleeping trouble!!!

Hi there, how’s everyone doing? Hope that you’re all great. If you ask me, I’m not fine at all. I was sleepless last night because I have this cough and running nose. It gives me headache and hard time to breath. It kept me awake until so late at night and I woke up very early in the morning because I had to pee and I couldn’t get back to sleep.
Once I’m awake my mind thinks all kinds of stuff…and so hard to get rid of it. That’s why I don’t want any disturb when I’m sleeping because I have to fight my mind to go back to sleep.
That’s all for now… You may all have a great day!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Crosstitch is fun but tiresome

I want to share with you how hastle the crosstitch is. I have been doing this crosstitching since last year and yet there is only 5 I got done in different sizes. I like flowers and thats what I do mostly different flowers.

But anyway, its not a joke to do the crosstitch thing. It's a pain in the butt. Because when I start doing it I want to get done right away coz its so tiresome to look at that there are still many patterns to make.

I hate to have mistakes because you could do it all over again. I had a Autumn House but I threw it away because I screwed up. I was about done with it and all of the sudden I have notice that it cant be done because I missed parts. Im telling you, I didnt wanna through it but I had too it wasn't good to look at. So, I told myself not to do Autumn House anymore just too many colors it drives me crazy. Now, I only do the easy one's. But I still make light mistakes but I just leave it alone Im not gonna sell it anyway.

But it wouldn't so bad after all, it turned out to be fun to me because I am happy of what I have done so nice to look at. I dont have to buy expensive crosstitch somewhere out there.

But now I have new hubby, The Blogging. Thanks to Anne again she made this account for me. I'll never turn you down my Thanks!

forgetting is powerfull

Hi everyone, im so glad that im able to sign in to my blog again I welcome back It's been a long time that I never visit my blog because of uncontrolling matter and I kinda missed my blog. This morning I've been trying to sign in but I was struggling to remember my email address and password. So, I asked help to my pretty friend Anne. Thank God she still remember it! So, Im here now and I'll make sure that I keep my blog updated.
By the help of my friend Anne im here with this blog now. Thanks alot Anne!