Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kind People

My hubby is the number one in my list as a kind man. Eventhough he jokes alot but he have such a big heart for those in need. Just like the other day up in the cabin, we forgot our eggs so we drove to the store and on the way we saw a pick up that got stucked on snow, but we didn't stop because there was a guy who already stopped to help. But when we went by again the pick up still there, so my hubby offered help to him. And I was worried that we will get stuck too, but we didn't and also we were able to pulled out the pick up from snow.

When we got to the cabin our neighbor was plowing snow on our drive way and parking lot. I thought it was so nice of him. He is very kind person, just like my hubby. It's good to do things for others and dont expect any payment, help back or whatsoever, because God knows what we are doing.

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