Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank God!

I am thankfull to God because this morning when I talked to my husband he told me that the cops called him and told him that they found a laptop, bathroom scale, some documents, and it was all his. But for some reason he still dont have those stuff on his hands, but pretty soon he will be able to get it back though. They caught the thieves, because after robbing my husband they went to another house and try to rob it. But the owner caught them, so thats how they caught the robbers.
My hubby was really mad at those people but he couldn't even touch them for they are minors and two to three of them are girls and one guy. But hubby said that he want those people in prison but he just not sure if they will, cops knows better so, he will just leave it up to them what's gonne be the decission.

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