Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love your pets

I have noticed that alot of Americans like pets, they love them like a family member which is great. But the thing that is bad about having pets inside the house is bad urine odor is the one of the worst thing. When my favorite cat was still around I wanted to take it in the house but my husband didn't agree unless we have pet odor removal that could keep the house smell good. So, I started to look for the odor eliminator so that our poor cat will be able to go inside the house because it is cold outside but the cat was gone by then. I really felt so bad with guilt about it, because that cat was getting close to me. But there is another cat that look a like the missing one but this is smaller, so I picked it up and took inside the house and I didn't have worry about the smell of the urine because I already have cat urine odor remover. I feel little better having cat around because sometimes I feel lonely and the cat would jump on me and give me badtime...LOL but it helps me forget my loneliness though. I think having pets could is a good companion in some ways if you have love for them because they need love too. And im proud of my husband since there are alot of cats in the shop that we dont own but he bought them a special foods and im happy for those abandoned cats because they now have shelter and foods.

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