Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Dollhouse

There are alot of kids out there who wishes to have a dollhouse. On my childhood, I also experienced that I wanted it. I remember that I went to my friends house and asked them if they are willing to participate in creating a dollhouse? Playing a role as a mother of a baby doll was our favorite game the most. When we agreed to do something, we do it differently because we simply couldn't afford it such as creating a dollhouse. It took us few weeks to built that thing but we had patient because we wanted it so bad. And when it was done, we felt so proud eventhough we didn't have much in it but we were still happy.

Now that Im grown up and know things better, and then I look back on alot of things that I did when I was a child, I really wished that I did better but that was all we could do, I could wish but couldn't have it.

I still have a desire to create a dollhouse but it wouldn't be mine, it'll be for my 4 nieces. I know that they really like to have a playhouse and because of that I also know that they would like the dollhouse.

In creating a dollhouse is a difficult task, it is like creating your own home. We have to start from the very beginning, such as planning the design inside and outside. Then, next step is look for furnitures and more. That's why we must have patient or else we will just drop a good plan. Anyway, online I searched for dollhouse miniatures and I found a place who has it all. I find myself having so much fun in browsing the miniatures. I cant keep eyes from these super cute furnitures. When this dollhouse is done, it will be like a fantasy for my nieces having all these miniatures. That would be something that they cannot forget in their childhood.

1 comment:

gracia said...

added you already gene..pls add me. Godbless.